Garth Vincent Arms & Armour
Suppliers of fine antique flintlock pistols, long guns, percussion pistols, military swords, Japanese swords and a wide range of antique arms & armour, we have an incredible amount of stock, with items dating from the English Civil War right up to World War II. Besides antique firearms Garth Vincent also offer antique arms & armour, antique swords, guns, helmet and cannon.
Each of our vintage firearms are sold as antique collectors items and are not intended for use under section 58 ii of the British Firearms Amendment Act.
You may wish to visit us to view our items here at our beautiful 17th Century manor house, Allington Manor.
The Old Manor House, Bottesford Road, Allington, Lincolnshire NG32 2DH, United Kingdom
The Old Manor House, Bottesford Road, Allington, Lincolnshire NG32 2DH, United Kingdom