David Thatcher Samurai Art
David Thatcher Samurai Art is a leading international dealer specialising in fine antique Japanese armour and related artworks dating from the late Muromachi to Edo period [15th – 18th centuries].
Japanese armour, for me, has been a lifelong obsession. I visited the Geffrye Museum in Shoreditch during the 1970s at primary school. I can still recall gazing upon armour, being magnetised by its terrifying, majesty and alien appearance compared to the European knight. This imagery of the samurai would stay with me forever.
During my thirties to forties, I studied the subject in Japan, frequently visiting, writing papers, and books, delivering lectures, organising international seminars, and advising museums and auction houses. I studied Japanese armour manufacture, conservation and restoration to the level of master craftsman leading to my recognition of being the leading katchushi outside of japan. Miura Kobo awarded me the title of Gusoku-shi, the highest level a restorer/assembler of Japanese armour can achieve.
During my fifties, I decided to diversify from restoration to follow my ambition to become a dealer. To date, I have held a number of successful exhibitions held in Mayfair, London.
We exhibit several Japanese Armours at Shapero Gallery, 106 New Bond St, London W1S 1DN.
By appointment only