The Store Yard
The Store Yard has 25,000sq ft of the best architectural salvage, vintage, period, retro furniture and curios in the country and over 20 years' experience in Antiques and Architectural Salvage
The Store Yard has valuable knowledge in the use of both Architectural Salvage and Antiques in every facet of the architectural trade. Our design team can help you whether you have a home renovation, or are looking for a piece for the garden or a commercial project.
Talented in-house staff who have a love for everything Antique and Salvaged.
Well-established supply chain throughout Europe and Asia.
Good stock availability of most products and components, enabling a quick turnaround of orders
The Store yard has become involved recently with the supply of film props, we have worked on the movie "Peter Pan", Penny Dreadful, Ripper Street and BBC series "Quirke" to name a few.
Dedicated after-sales support team
Member of IADA (Irish Antique Dealers Association)
Kea-Lew Business Park, Portlaoise, Ireland